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Birthday calendar (Dutch)

14 pages, (very strong paper) with 12 flowerpaintings.


Now for Sale:


The elementary form of all social media: the paper Birthday calendar, of Clare van Stolk!

When your digital media are hacked, your telephone stolen and your apps crashed, then this calendar remains your reliable source of important information:

a reminder of the true values in life, the birthdays of your real friends and loved ones!

This beautifully produced indestructible  calendar with 12 colorfull flowerpaintings by Clare van Stolk, is now available to adorn your toilet, etc.


Orders can be made through my website: and are also available during the Kunst10daagse at the Voert 18a, the art farm in Bergen (fri 14 th to sun 23 th of october).


Birthday calendars have the size A4, and can be used every year. 

Price 22,50 euro excluding shipment costs.

Please send an mail on the page Contact.



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